(urth) Patera Incus

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Mon Aug 16 12:18:07 PDT 2010

At 04:45 CDT this date, James Wynn wrote:
>   Roy,
> I don't think you and I are going to come to an agreement about this.


At 08:25 CDT this date, he wrote:
> Consequently, because of
> the way I came to this conclusion, if Wolfe himself told me that Incus
> was not female, I'd call him a g d liar (not that I think that will
> happen). It is as clearly stated in the text for me as the question of
> whether there are inhumis on the Whorl.

And at 09:14 CDT this date he wrote:
> This is cool. I detailed why Incus is a woman for general informational
> edification, rather than for help working out the theory. As I said,
> it's a point of fact for me--beyond proving, debating, or working out.

If nothing that I, or Wolfe, or anyone else *can* say can change your mind,
well, that speaks for itself. There is nothing left to say.


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