(urth) The Two Katharines

Ryan Dunn ryan at liftingfaces.com
Mon Aug 16 07:16:48 PDT 2010

On Aug 16, 2010, at 9:58 AM, António Pedro Marques <entonio at gmail.com> wrote:

>> If the animal guys go so far as to take a bear-sow as a bride to ascend
>> in their guild is it so much more unbelievable that the torturers perform
>> a real beheading for theirs? Sure both rituals could be purely fake and
>> symbolic. But why choose the boring answer when an outrageous and
>> shocking answer will serve as well? This is SF and F is it not? We have
>> half-human half-animals and khaibits in the text. Why not use all themes
>> to full capacity?
> It's unnecessary cruelty to an innocent human being. Not the kind of thing
> that makes sense for me coming from the Guild.

The torturers are described as Seekers for Truth and Penitence. I don't see bloodlust or psychopathy as parts of their guild.

They know the cost of holding their station. They are outcasts in their own Citadel. Spit on in the slums, feared and hated in the towers.

That they continue their practice at all is a signifier of honor to it's import and not the maniacal musings of brutes who would behead an innocent woman in order to elevate one of their own.

That's my view anyhow.


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