(urth) Imputing motives

Ryan Dunn ryan at liftingfaces.com
Fri Aug 13 19:37:46 PDT 2010

On Aug 13, 2010, at 10:19 PM, Nicholas wrote:

> Lee, 
> I'm assuming your implying I was a recently kicked member, sorry, I'm a different person entirely. My simple quoting might be easier explained by the fact that I post from my iPhone.  I also had my first post before the other fellow was kicked where I asked if AEG was in BOTNS's universe and posited that Sev was the Storm God in that book. Nice try though. 


You can quote from your iPhone. Just select the text in the original message you want quoted, then when you go to hit Reply, it will only excerpt the selection. I do this from my iPhone all the time, works fine if you know how to select text.

I liked that idea of Severian being the Storm God in An Evil Guest. But I've only done one reading of that book so far, so I'm looking forward to digging back into it one of these days (too much to read... and write!!).


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