(urth) The Key to the Universe...

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Fri Aug 13 10:07:28 PDT 2010

On 8/13/2010 10:18 AM, David Stockhoff wrote:
> (1) Did they really connect to Briah from their universe? I don't see
> that. It matters.
> (2) Severian's assessment of knowability regarding the Hieromakers is
> exactly right. It's unknowable---neither provable nor disprovable that
> they are us---whoever "us" is.
> (3) The "advancement" bit is similarly fuzzy. However, if the races
> advance with each universe, one might guess that the Hieromakers lie in
> later iterations (whatever that means) rather than earlier.
> In Yesod, Briahtic "later" and "earlier" mean nothing, so beings from
> infinitely "future" iterations can shake hands there with blobby cavemen
> from a "past" one. Per Severian, we can't tell whether the Hieromakers
> lie in our within-iteration future or our later-iterative future, but
> they must lie ahead, or else "we" (whoever "we" are) would be more
> advanced than they.

If this is correct, what prevents the Yesodis from directly accessing 
their original, immediate makers' iteration and having another go at 

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
IEEE Student Chapter Blog at
< http://ieeetamut.org >

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