(urth) Standard Wolfean Riddle

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 07:18:51 PDT 2010

Lee Berman wrote (13-08-2010 07:52):

> So, did Urth's race of humans create the Hierogrammates or some other,
> cognate race? Is it possible to say? Is one more answer more likely than
> another?

I don't even think it matters much.
Certainly the whole purpose of the New Sun is to give Urth's humans a chance 
to create some kind of Hierogrammates.
But whether those Hierogrammates or others is another matter.
Generally, 'Human', 'Hiero', 'Hieorgrammate' seem to refer to roles rather 
than specific races in specific settings. But they can also be used to refer 
to specific races in specific settings, given context.
Some answers are mor elikely than others, but I don't think they will come 
out of a discussion of these passages.

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