(urth) Brook Madregot runs between

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 12 10:06:53 PDT 2010

From: "António Pedro Marques" <entonio at gmail.com>
> For all the identification of Pas with Pan, I don't see what the 
> similarity between them is in the sexual regard. (Well, Typhon was naked 
> when Severian met him. But shrivelled, he says.)
>I seem to recall that the exercise of power perked him up a bit.
>- Gerry Quinn

Erm, yes. Typhon very strangely gets an erection and "nurses" it while talking to 
Severian. He also says that when he re-establishes his multi-planet empire, he will 
be sent tribute in the form of young men and women.
In Long Sun, the painting of Pas/Typhon depicts him "nursing" *two* erections, one for each
hand, as he surveys his court, a writhing sexual orgy of worshippers with phallic symbolism
popping up all over the place.
Perhaps unrelated, but various reptile species are endowed with two penises. Greek
mythological  monster Typhon was a multi-headed mandragora on his top half and a snake down 
I have proposed, at times, that the name Pas is a nickname which could be derived from the 
Babylonian god of desert storms, Pazuzu. This was mostly a bird-like god but he was quite
well known for his "serpentine penis". It is also the name for the fallen angel/demon in The 
Exorcist, a book I can't imagine Gene Wolfe did not read. 		 	   		  

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