(urth) Which character from BotNS do you identify with most?

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Mon Aug 2 12:31:33 PDT 2010

> Which actually raises a curious point: is it purely by chance that no
> Autarch has ever been killed before passing on the contents of his brain?
> It would seem like an assassin would kill him too quickly for the Autarch
> to
> explain the rather unexpected task his killer faces.

I've been pondering that hazard of succession. If Vodalus can keep
Thecla's body fresh for days in an ice cave, and the mandragora remains
even slightly animated after centuries unattended, Father Inire can
probably preserve some leftover brains for just such an occasion.

Maybe that's what became of Sulpicius - he is detained somewhere out of
sight for an extended period, and is presumed dead by Inire, who thaws out
one of the unconsumed portion of Sulpicius-minus-1's brain and initiates
Autarch Sulpicius-plus-1. Meanwhile, just in case his time-bending cousins
did pick him up, he advises Sulpicius-plus-1 to let stand his

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