(urth) TSH: Ted's identity

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 15:07:32 PDT 2010

> I'm not following you. The gold ring with the dark stone that Bax found in
> the catfish had belonged to Ambrosius (270). It was the "weapon of
>sorcery" wherein Ambrosius had stored some of his power, the item
> Goldwurm hadn't been able to find (73). Ambrosius had supposedly been
> strangled and his body thrown in a river (74), probably the same river we
> have been talking about.

Well, it's obvious I haven't re-read to page 74 yet. As page 270, why
do you think the ring Bax showed Kate was the onyx and not the wedding
band (which I had assumed on my first read)? I mean, is it really
possible that Goldwurm would throw Ambrosius' body in the river with
expensive-looking jewelry still on it?

> Ted's body (the list of characters says he was Doris's "late husband") had
> been placed in a casket and buried (36). So Ted's body was never in the
> river. The body parts Lupine called up from the river had come from victims
> of the "Horror Hound", as Martha called it (285).

So you consider the list of characters 100% authoritative? So you
don't think it possible that there is any duplication or ellisions? If
the list says Ambrosius a "murdered sorcerer" and there are no other
murdered sorcerers on the list, that's the way it is. And if the list
says Ted is "late" there is no valid reading this as ironic? How do
you know that Ambrosius was not actually murdered after Ted faked his
death? How do you know he was not killed by Lupine? That would still
make him Doris's "late husband" right?

And it's a strange ghost that leaves a tear-stained anything. That is,
if it is a gothic ghost. So you've got a mystery there.

It's fine that you don't think Ambrosius was Ted (I mistakenly thought
that had become all but accepted fact), but the text is simply not as
flatly plain as you seem to be letting on.


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