(urth) Kiki

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Tue Apr 20 12:07:16 PDT 2010

Craig Brewer wrote:
> And, for some reason, when they mention that her house is just out of
sight in the forest, something about that reminded me of one of the first
glimpses of Faerie we get in Crowley's _Little, Big_ with the little house.
Nothing specific, just one of many flashes of Crowley's book that kept
popping into my head while reading. The houses that change shape/size is
another obvious similarity, of course.<

I, too, was reminded of Crowley's book, particularly that last bit about
houses changing size, being bigger on the inside than they could possibly
have been as judged from outside, IIRC. That is why I brought up earlier the
issue of the Black house changing from nine rooms to more than forty. Martha
said, "It grows when people live in it, and shrinks when they don't." (278)

The house, perhaps more than anything else, makes me believe the Faerie bits
of the story are true. That house is a doorway into Faerie, and that is why
George wanted it. (261)


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