(urth) The Sorcerer's House Questions (*Major Spoilers*)

Thomas Bitterman tom at bitterman.net
Sun Apr 18 15:05:27 PDT 2010

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 7:42 PM, James Wynn <crushtv at gmail.com> wrote:

> >So maybe the question with Bax is whether or not his ability to tell a
> wonderful,
> >compelling, puzzling story (which is, of course, also Wolfe's talent) is
> innocent or
> >dangerous? From that angle, it seems like one of the "big issues" with TSH
> is the
> >relationship between fantasy and dishonesty. That seems like a perfectly
> appropriate
> >theme for a writer who has always maintained that fantasy is one of the
> best ways to
> >deal with the "really real" -- why shouldn't he write a story that
> explicitly explores the
> >other side of that coin?
> I just think the story is lame if the whole thing is a fabrication of
> Bax's, because --after all-- it already IS a fabrication by Wolfe. It
> would be like saying everything in the Latro novels was a product of
> Latro's deranged state due to his wound.

I don't know that anyone believes that everything Severian says is truthful,
yet the New Sun series is not adjudged "lame".

> It makes trying to understand
> the "contrived" story to be moot, because any inconsistencies can be
> marked up to shoddy story-telling.

The inconsistencies are the clues that Bax is making it up.  He's a
second-rate fraudster spinning a tall tale on the fly.  Of course he's
making mistakes.

> We're already facing the problems
> of possible plot-holes anyway. If we treat the story as a work by Bax
> instead of Wolfe, what is the value of that?

Either Bax is a bad writer, Wolfe is, or we're bad readers.  At some point
in the interpretation of the work, in order to smooth out inconsistencies
and patch holes, it is very easy to start writing fan fiction instead of
interpreting.  This is the worst of two worlds - bad readers covering up for
a bad writer.  If the mistakes are Bax's, instead, then Wolfe has pulled off
a Borgesian feat - a wizard who has created a fictional world but left
little inconsistencies in it so we can find our way back out.
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