(urth) Sorcerer's House--First Read--Some Thoughts/Questions

Dave Tallman davetallman at msn.com
Fri Apr 9 19:01:04 PDT 2010

James Wynn wrote:

> Still, thinking about this. The house and property are not George's
> "blessing". Millie is, which George is unable to appreciate. And Bax
> impersonates George to get it.
Jacob cheated Esau out of both an inheritance (birthright) and a blessing.
The house ends up belonging to Bax too, and it's interesting that it was
held by A&I Properties, with a Mr. Issacs for the "I", so it could well be
"Abraham and Issac's Properties."  George as werewolf = hairy Esau is a
clever idea.

To get killing that first werewolf to equal killing George we need to
transpose some letters (or say that later George letters were fake). It's a
reasonable idea, and it maybe goes along with the woman George found who was
his guide to the things of Faerie (in this case being Lupine, who possibly
made George into a werewolf). Maybe the battle with the werewolves and the
River Man toward the end is where George died.
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