(urth) Cutthroat "identity" from "TRACKING SONG"

sean ako geoffreyfourmylepyre at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 20 09:53:22 PDT 2010


I believe the identity of Cutthroat is tied to his actions among the various "tribes" of beast/humans.
For example, he compulsively records his daily adventures along with his ethnological observations.
He maintains a log organized by day/number; and he consistently joins and talks with other groups/tribes
to find out information, much of it of little practical use (but interesting from an anthropological view.)  I
believe Cutthroat is an anthropologist; a scientist studying the biologically engineered beast/humans of the
planet.  Is it more than coincidental that he happens to fall off the Great Sleigh with a tape recorder, shaver,
pocketknife and firestarter? Sounds more like he's ready to do fieldwork. As to his amnesia, who can say 
that it isn't their protocol for any fieldwork that they do (to encourage objective and honest observations/actions.)
Of course, the Great Sleigh didn't "lose" him as many readers (and even characters in the story) assert. It is just
their way; consider the way they listen in on his recordings (a handy way of keeping a handle on his situation.)
Another thing to consider is that GW has an affiinity with these "scientist" types; consider the two anthopologists
in "THE SHADOW OF THE TORTURER" in the Jungle Garden (with Isangoma) or the astronaut/scientists in
"ALIEN STONES."  They "immerse" then "observe," "absorb," and "report."  All three of these examples above
do this in one way or another (or literally.)

Sean Ako

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