(urth) The Sorcerer's House Questions (*Major Spoilers*)

Gwern Branwen gwern0 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 06:13:30 PDT 2010

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 12:42 AM, Craig Brewer <cnbrewer at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Well, since "Bax" is the source of information about the supernatural in the book, I take it that while *I* don't have to trust Bax, *you* do if you think it happened.
> But I get the feeling you're playing a different game than I am, so we'll leave it be.
> In other news, anyone else read a book where every other event was organized by who was taking whom to which meal and who was paying for it? I can't decide whether that's important or whether Wolfe just always wrote this while hungry. My mental map of Medicine Man is dominated by restaurants.

The latter, I think. Food pervaded AEG too - I think someone on this
list quoted Wolfe as saying that the Green Goddess salad dressing
wasn't important but a joke and part of a personal challenge to see
how often he could work food in?


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