(urth) Neil Gaiman on Wolfe and Sorcerer's House

Robert Thornton oblate777 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 17:38:17 PDT 2010

Hi folks,

I am a member of Goodreads, a site where readers and authors can share their experiences with books. Each member can post a rating and a small review of books that they have read/are reading. 

Neil Gaiman is also a member and he posted a brief review of Sorcerer's House at: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6845909-the-sorcerer-s-house

I will quote the most interesting part of the review here:

"As a side note, I have a mad theory that you can always find a Wolf in a Gene Wolfe book, and it will always be the key, or a key, to the text. This book does nothing to disprove my theory." 


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