(urth) Cassie as the Ambassador's wife

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 08:37:45 PDT 2009

> At any rate, it's not possible that the location in the final paragraph,
> from which Cassie says "Come back to me, Wally!" is part of her original 
> trip to Woldercan.  It takes twenty-something hops to get there (p. 298). 
> After five hops, she opens the package with the picture (p. 301). Sometime 
> after this (at least five hops, probably more), "the sun was a yellow 
> spark and the blue sphere of Earth less than nothing." So, about a quarter 
> of the way to Woldercan, the sun is still a distinctly visible star. In 
> fifteen or so more hops she gets outside the galaxy? Impossible. This is a 
> new trip, with a lot more fuel. What is its purpose? I say it's the start 
> of her trip back into time, to get Wally back again.

That's an interesting take. But the hops could be gravitationally 
influenced. As one leaves the solar system and then the galaxy, the hops 
lengthen exponentially or as a ratio of the affecting gravity.


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