(urth) AEG in NYRSF

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 07:50:26 PDT 2009

>A few days ago, John Watkins, agreeing with James Wy[nn] about a quality of 
>president in AEG, wrote:

>> I thought the character's speech patterns were recognizably
>>those of George W. Bush as well.

>The speech pattern is recognizably Texan, but the one-on-one button-holing
>is much more LBJ's style than any recent US president. For me, the key
>discriminant is the President's assistant.  I think I mentioned awhile ago 
>the aide likely has a link with MPAA president Jack Valenti who was LBJ's
>closest aide.

Hmmm...."forty plus, and starting to get fat. The thick, round lenses of his 
This does not make me think of Jack Valenti. But it did call to mind Karl 
Rove. Not a one-to-one comparison any more than the president was. But it 
was difficult not to imagine Rove while reading this scene.

I really didn't see the one-on-one conversation as excluding GWB or 
inclining more to LBJ. It's just the sort of thing any President would do.


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