(urth) Cassie as the Ambassador's wife

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Fri Sep 18 11:35:03 PDT 2009

Dave Tallman wrote:

> She could have considered doing that, but it might not have saved them
> from other dooms arranged by Gideon Chase. She seems to have decided
> that he needed to be eliminated very early on (after enhancing Cassie,
> of course). This is under the theory that Margaret was Chase's shooter.

I'm sure I've said this before, but Gid repeatedly referred to the shooter
with masculine pronouns.

> > Why didn't Reis recognize her as his ex-wife? Yeah, she's aged, but
> >
> Again I'll fall back on werewolf shape-shifting. I have no doubt that
> Margaret is a werewolf.

Gid also said that it is easy for a shape-changer to slip back "down", so
easy that "werewolves have trouble maintaining their human forms at times."
(100) Getting hit in the face with a meat cleaver is pretty traumatic, quite
enough so, it seems to me, to lose control. Besides, within a couple hours
of the shooting, Margaret showed up at Cassie's place and had no visible


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