(urth) (no subject)

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Wed May 20 12:38:41 PDT 2009

brunians at brunians.org wrote:
>> brunians at brunians.org wrote:
>>>> [Jefferson] continued to own slaves, to keep men made by that same
>>>> Creator from their liberty and their pursuit of happiness for *fifty
>>>> years* after he wrote those words. Who could take such a moral criminal
>>>> seriously?
>>> Books have been written about this. All I will say at this time is that
>                                        ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^
> "this time" taken to include the present and near future.
>>> I am satisfied that Jefferson's conduct was mediated by necessity.
>> Why can you take Jefferson's word seriously enough to determine that his
>> necessity was valid, but dismiss Rosseau out of hand?
> I have examined the case to my satisfaction. See above.

Not able to explain the disrepancy works for me.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
< http://www.io.com/~jwilson >

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