(urth) Gene Wolfe Fans Talk Politics (Again)

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue May 19 17:55:24 PDT 2009

>>I said:
>> It ignores the risks the second guy took in capital, time, and  effort in 
>> order to create that wealth.
>Adam responded:
> How so?  Those risks are compensated in the increased pay, aren't  they? 
> I mean, by your argument, I should be doing four times the work  to 
> generate four times the income, right?  I'm certainly not.  My job  now is 
> *much* more interesting and much less unpleasant than when I  was making 
> crap wages.  Jobs that involve serious physical labor--and  are thus, in 
> many senses, the hardest--tend to also be at the bottom  of the pay scale. 
> And sure, it took a lot of time and learning to get  here, but the time 
> spent *still* beat digging ditches.

>And Jordan responded:
>I currently make above $80,000.  I have made a little more than that in
>the recent past, and MUCH MUCH less than that in the more distant past.
>I'm certainly not speaking for everyone, but what I do now is MUCH MUCH
>easier and more rewarding than what I did when I earned $7.50 an hour, or
>$12.00 an hour.

It sounds to me like you guys are over-paid. You should mention that your 

>I think it's a sad myth that those who make less money work less hard than
>those who 'generate' wealth.  Some who hold that position have undoubtedly
>help menial jobs.  Many have not.  I think you must be disqualified from
>making a statement like that unless you've worked a labor intensive low 

I have and I'll wager most of the people in the top 20% of wage earners 
have. In fact, many of those are **performing** menial jobs.

>And this worship of the free market makes my skin crawl.  It is a great
>system, with a lot going for it.  But it is as morally bankrupt and corrupt
>as the government, or more so.  How is the Free Market any less oriented
>toward robbery?

Jordan, you say you're making over $80K per year. Have you risked bankruptcy 
to take your job? Have you sunk your retirement in your job? Because, that's 
the sort of thing that the top 20% have done. That's the sort of thing that 
people who employ the bottom 30% do.

We use words for all the time for things that don't exist. "Corporation" 
"Government" "Free Market".
None of these things exist. They just words for people. The Free Market is 
not oriented toward robbery. That's ludicrous. They offer you something. You 
pay them for it. If the don't deliver you can take them to court and/or 
smear their names with future customers. But only the Government can FORCE 
you to do anything. Only the Government cannot be sued unless they say so. 
But that's the one you trust?


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