(urth) Gene Wolfe Fans Talk Politics (Again)

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue May 19 13:01:03 PDT 2009

>>Josh said:
>> Please do explain how consensual taxation works: I am all ears.
>Adam responded: This one's easy.
> The government provides services I find beneficial, such as police and 
> fire protection, maintained roads, public education, and so forth.
> Therefore, taxation is, at least for me, consensual.

Well, okay, Adam but if you change your mind about the cost-benefit of the 
services provided, they will take it from you anyway. The obvious conclusion 
is that your personal consent is irrelevant.  That you have decided you like 
it right now is just a happy coincidence for you.

But that's just fee for service. In tDiaF, Wolfe is talking about something 
else. You don't support police, fire protection, etc. equally with your 
neighbors. Most people are benefiting from those services far beyond what 
they would receive if everyone paid the same percentage from their labor and 
property. This is a *transfer* of wealth from one citizen to another. This 
is what Wolfe is talking about when he compares socialism/welfare state with 
Robin Hood.

For example, the market value of health care is established given what 
people pay out of pocket, for insurance, and the amount the government 
subsidizes hospitals and such. If people were told that --in order to cover 
people not covered--they'll have to pay more or get decreased quality of 
care, they'd never go for it. The way it is sold is that *somebody else* is 
going to bear the increased costs: somebody who can "afford it." That is 
certainly "theft" by many common definitions.

You can say that "Well, we live in a society, and that's just the burden 
that rich people will have to bear to live in it with us. Fine. The Wall 
Street Journal has an article yesterday by Art Laffer on what the response 
of rich people is to that ultimatum.


They leave.
Just as the pilgrims left when Wat set up shop in the forest.

So the arrangement is unsustainable (if increased prosperity for all is the 


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