(urth) Update on _The Death of Doctor Island_

Nigel Price nigelaprice at talktalk.net
Fri Jan 30 15:48:08 PST 2009

Gwern Branwen asks concerning the movie version of "The Death of Doctor
Island" and it's supposed launch date...

>>Early 2008 will soon be a full year ago. Is the project dead?

Good question. Last I heard, they were still trying to raise money for the
CGI effects and were selling frames from the film on the website in an
attempt to generate cash. The current economic climate is not exactly
propitious, so my guess is that the project is still stalled, though not

You can e-mail the producers if you're interested and ask how it's going.
There's a contact address on the website.

I bought a frame from the movie, by the way. If any of you want this film to
see the light of day...one day...I would encourage you to do the same.


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