(urth) Fantasy Casting Thread

Son of Witz sonofwitz at butcherbaker.org
Fri Jan 16 15:54:33 PST 2009

>>I also can't help but think, for the same reasons, that Clive Barker read BotNS before writing Imagica. Has anyone here read that?  That's one of the only novels I've read multiple times. Absolutely love it.  Haven't read much of Barker since then. I figure that must be his masterstroke.
>there's a sequel????????!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
>and 14 years old.  How the hell did I never bump into that.
>jesus.  maybe my reread of Moby Dick will have to wait.

It's just that they cut it in two volumes for a paperback edition.
(even though my old paperback has the full story)
thanks for pointing it out Jordon. (on another board)

fuck though, Imagica must be my Book of Gold.


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