(urth) Ansible Interview

Tim Walters walters at doubtfulpalace.com
Tue Jan 27 18:53:15 PST 2009

> But now I see that (I think) he has at last
> conceded
> that shaded areas are possible in the Whorl

When has anyone not agreed that, given miracle shiprock capable of
assuming any shape without structural penalty, shaded areas would be

> and that they are widely
> viewable.

The quote says "[b]eyond the black streak of the shade," which is exactly
where such a shadow would be least visible. Nor would it "fill[ an]
inviolate valley[] to the rim," unless you call something
near-perpendicular to the ground a "valley."

But ultimately our difference is not geometrical. It is epistemic, and
possibly aesthetic. I find the handwaving (as I see it) required to save
the shadow quote less plausible in terms of author intention, and more of
an artistic failure, than making a mistake about shadows. You don't, which
is fine. But I wish you'd address, or at least acknowledge, my actual
argument instead of claiming that I'm not using my brain.

Tim Walters | http://doubtfulpalace.com

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