(urth) Gideon

Dave Tallman davetallman at msn.com
Wed Jan 14 10:13:20 PST 2009

I feel pretty confident now that Margaret was Cassie, back in time as a
werewolf to try to help Cassie avoid her fate. The next issue is: what did
she do? Chase appeared to be her adversary, since he got Margaret arrested
by the F.B.I. and told Cassie enough details on how to recognize a werewolf
to make her lose her trust. Was Margaret also Chase's enemy, carrying out
the revenge scenario some predicted for Cassie on Woldercan, but in the past
where it could do Cassie and Bill some good?

I think it's possible that Margaret could be Chase's shooter, based on
several things:
1) It's never explicitly stated in the book, but traditionally werewolves
can rapidly heal damage unless it is done by silver weapons. The
mass-shifting trick could probably fix wounds.
2) In support of this: Cassie armed herself with silver-tipped bullets (180)
after being told that werewolves were real (99).
3) A normal human assassin would have been felled by the cleaver attack;
this attacker just staggered, covered his face, and fled the scene (82).
4) Chase saw his attacker was a man, but I believe Margaret is capable of
alternate human faces.
5) The body type of the attacker was not like John (p. 203),  John is
starting to get fat (p. 15), so the attacker was probably thin.
6) Right after Chase was shot, the book says "Margaret was fifteen minutes
late" (p. 82). The excuse she gave was a phone call, which she could have
gotten earlier.

There's little motive for the ATF or the Squiddies to be active against
Gideon this early. Their enemy is Reis, and at this point Gideon was Reis'
enemy, too. Scott said "We're after a man you've probably never heard of,
and the key to our finding and killing that man is a man seen with you not
long ago." (188) That is, the ATF wants to find Chase only so they can find
and kill Reis. The Cthulhuiods would have similar motivations. So why would
either of these factions send an assassin to just gun Chase down?

Margaret, on the other hand, wants to keep Bill alive. She would have a
strong motive to get Chase out of the picture. Unfortunately it wasn't that
easy to fight destiny or someone as capable as Gideon Chase.
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