(urth) Cloak and Baldric

Son of Witz sonofwitz at butcherbaker.org
Tue Feb 17 11:39:09 PST 2009

Good points. I'd forgotten completely about the sword as staff without it's guard.  And yeah, I'm taller, but I wouldn't mess with Severian.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: brunians at brunians.org [mailto:brunians at brunians.org]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:25 AM
>To: 'The Urth Mailing List'
>Subject: Re: (urth) Cloak and Baldric
>Sure. He's got a minute or two to take himself apart and get his sword
>out. Remember a lot of the time he has taken the gaurd off and is using it
>as a staff.
>Finally, Severian is not and does not look like someone you'd want to run
>into in a dark alley. I don't imagine that too many people casually start
>fights with him, even leaving aside that he is some kind of cop.
>> I thought writing "wandering swordsman" might invite that objection.
>> but, so, you acknowledge that this phenomenon would exist, just that it
>> wouldn't really be a problem since the sword is more "cargo" than
>> defensive weapon?
>> ~Witz
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: brunians at brunians.org [mailto:brunians at brunians.org]
>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 09:35 AM
>>>To: 'The Urth Mailing List'
>>>Cc: urth at urth.net
>>>Subject: Re: (urth) Cloak and Baldric
>>>Sev's not a duellist, he's not wandering around striking on the draw and
>>>If he was a duellist he surely would not have that kind of sword.
>>>> No, it's not a new subgenre, it's a costuming question.
>>>> So, Severian's got this huge sword on a baldric, slung over his (left)
>>>> shoulder most of the time. Too big to hang from a sword belt.
>>>> But how does that work with a cloak? It would have to be worn OVER the
>>>> cloak, but, unless the cloak was pushed back over the shoulders, the
>>>> baldric would essentially trap his arms in by holding the cloak tight
>>>> around his torso.
>>>> It seems he could have one side free, at least, but the other would be
>>>> constricted.
>>>> Or am I completely wrong? Am I mistaken, or is this not really much of
>>>> a
>>>> problem for a wandering swordsman?
>>>> Are any of you guys Ren Fair or Historic Recreation types?
>>>> any insight here?
>>>> I ask because I was drawing Severian, and this suddenly struck me as a
>>>> real problem.
>>>> /Devil in the details
>>>> ~Witz
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