(urth) Quasi Christ?

Son of Witz sonofwitz at butcherbaker.org
Tue Feb 10 14:47:04 PST 2009

here's a telling bit I like, that led me to have form ideas about Sev/Christ:

Claw I, first paragraph:
"Morwenna's face floated in the single beam of light, lovely and framed in hair
dark as my cloak; blood from her neck pattered to the stones. Her lips moved
without speech. Instead I saw framed within them (as though I were the Increate,
peeping through his rent in Eternity to behold the World of Time) the farm,
Stachys her husband tossing in agony upon his bed, little Chad at the pond,
bathing his fevered face."

since I can't bold it:
(as though I were the Increate, peeping through his rent in Eternity to behold the World of Time)

I read Severian as "his rent in Eternity" here.


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