(urth) OH SCYLLA!!!

Son of Witz sonofwitz at butcherbaker.org
Thu Feb 12 16:44:14 PST 2009

"Oh Scylla!"

I think that moment in Short Sun, which I read last night on my birthday, was probably one of the best, most heart-breakingly joyful moments I've EVER had the pleasure to read.  Wow. what an absolute masterstroke.
It seemed, upon reading this passage on my birthday, that Jordon Flato gave me a time bomb bday present when he recommended these books to me about a year ago. Hot Damn.

I'm still not done, so, if you'd kindly spare me spoilers in this thread, I'd be most obliged.

I just read about Pig's eye surgery, and finally come to understand how Horn lost his eye.  Wow. Something huge there about passing on, or sharing a vision or perspective.  Horn's story arc may be the most compelling character development I've ever read.

I'm hoping to come to understand how Horn has Seawracks ring on as he's back in New Viron. Either I forgot or he hasn't explained yet.

I really love how he mentions stuff before it's explained. at first it was frustrating, but it works really well for Wolfe's style, in that it's usually NOT the big plot movements, but what those movements mean to the characters. A lesser author might try to leave the anticipation until the moment of revelation, to milk the surprise for all it's worth.He manages to tantalize us, and then still thrill us when we finally come to the part he's hinted at.  There was a decent amount of that in Severian's narration, but Horn is a master at it.

I have so many things to say about it, I'll spare you any more babble until I've wrapped my head around it. 

but it's just so wonderful and profound an artwork. the Long and Short are sincerely masterworks. perhaps even better than New Sun. Certainly more compelling the first time through.  YOWZA!!!

*head spins*


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