(urth) Silk for calde blog: Wolfe thesis

Jeffrey Brent McBeth mcbeth at broggs.org
Sun Dec 20 18:16:02 PST 2009

> Let me put it this way: if you take the attitude you are proposing here,
> then the logical result is that you have no argument against the Book
> of Mormon, or the "corrected" Bible of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Disclaimer, I am a Mormon.  I also am skipping the context of the
above paragraph, as it isn't relevant to the information below.

Just a quick point out.  The Mormons went with the King James version
of the Bible (without Maccabees, etc).  We are encouraged to seek out
the other books, but are told that we are on our own with respect to
its nature as scripture.  

Oh, and fascinating discussion, even if it has fallen off the tracks :)


"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over 
 the man who cannot read them."
 -- Mark Twain

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