(urth) Silk for calde blog: Wolfe thesis

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Sat Dec 19 12:22:19 PST 2009

brunians at brunians.org wrote:
> Jeff, you are using the modern definition of the term 'science'.
> Traditionally, any coherent and systematically organized body of knowledge
> is a science.

That's the archaic _educational_ sense, then, so one could say that 
Christianity was an artistic faith, as the arts were equally such.

I was thinking you were using it in the sense of research, as Aquinas 
determining the canonical nature of angels and their process of falling 
in the 13th century, two centuries after Alhazed was measuring light 
with surveying instruments to make sure it was traveling in a straight line.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
IEEE Student Chapter Blog at
< http://ieeetamut.org >

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