(urth) Who was Horn?

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 18:18:51 PDT 2009

>I mostly agree with you, but I want to take some points in turn.

I hereby pick up the gauntlet.

>Do you really think he had momentarily forgotten Horn's name?

IGJ (HB) pg 122
"Was this you for real Incanto? Were you on Green? By Echidna's babies, I
think you were!"

I shook my head and told him it had been someone else, a man whose name I
have forgotten, a man who wore a ring with a white stone. My own name is
Horn, no matter what Oreb may say.

This is disassociation.  Horn lives on only in the Rajan's memories of 
Horn's memories from when he and Horn were one. He is focused on being and 
imitating *Horn*, not the creature named Horn who was created in the pit 
from a Neighbor and a human corpse.  That creature has ceased to exist as 
well, just as Mani would cease to exist when the cat died. He also lives 
only in the Rajan's memories. But the Rajan has so many alternate memories 
now, he's confused. But it is clear (to me) from this statement that the 
Rajan sees a distinction between "Horn" and the man who died on Green.

>>Silk is a an anorexic masochist.

>Silk does fast, whether this makes him these things or not.  It's mentioned 
>at least twice in Nightside.

Granted, but when it is combined with the onset of ravenous hunger in the 
Spring, we know more is going on here (incidentally, this is more of that 
Tree-Neighbor connection that I still don't understand). I do not recall an 
instance of LS Silk pretending to eat food set before him. He fasts, but 
when there is not a lot of food available anyway, it is easy to be holy in 
that way. Not the same thing as what happens in SS, I think.

>Oh yeah, then there is the *Rajan* saying that he killed Hide and Hoof's 

>Not sure much can be made of this.
>The entity known as "Horn" has ceased to exist in any meaningful
>sense by the time that comment is made
>(unless he's in Babbie, which the Rajan might not be aware of).

Yes, Horn had died, and the Horn-Neighbor had ceased to exist, but the 
entity who had accidentally killed the father of Hoof and Hide lived on, 
just as Mani's elemental spirit would live on after the cat died. Other than 
this explanation, however, nothing much can be made of this statement that 
satisfies me.


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