(urth) Urth movie

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Mon Apr 13 03:21:37 PDT 2009

Robin Dunn wrote:
> Am always so impressed with the level of thinking on this site- a real
> tribute to the depth of Wolfe's imaginary universe!
> As an indie filmmaker, am daydreaming again today about how to make an
> appropriate film version of the book of the new sun.
> it would definitely have to be four 2 hour films, or perhaps 8 1-hour episodes.
> Peter Jackson did 3 Tolkien books for $150 mil , but I bet I could do
> 8 hours of Wolfe for 25 mil.

I think it might best be done as a series of Sev's reminiscences, with 
2-3 plot threads a piece, and one or two continuing along the arc. You'd 
also have some freedom from continuity, with the chosen foil complaining 
in the framing sequences "that's not the way you described them before" 
and being placated. Perhaps even use a grandfather/grandson frame 
similar to the Princess Bride, but with with the grandfather being a bit 
sinister and playing on the child's short attention span to gloss over 
his inconsistencies. And of course, the grandfather is really Severian 
on Ushas.

> The tone is one of the most important things:   curious what some of
> you would say is the dominant tone of Book of the New Sun

It's one of things you can fill in yourself, it doesn't necessarily have 
a dominant tone.

> Abaia is definitely one of the more expensive scenes, as people have noticed. ;)

Abaia doesn't even appear, does he?

> Part of me feels like you could do a 2 hour movie about the first 30
> pages of Shadow . . .

they already made THE LORDS OF DISCIPLINE!

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
< http://www.io.com/~jwilson >

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