(urth) Weekly blog links

don doggett kingwukong at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 14 18:55:26 PDT 2009


> Many people find Long Sun accessible and satisfying because
> they think it has a generally reliable narrator and the
> narrative is not so occulted. They are wrong. I think the
> most valid criticism of Short Sun (I don't agree with it) is
> that it's very well crafted but it's just tooooo Wolfean:
> It's a bridge too far. Yet, many of the puzzles in Long Sun
> that readers didn't know were puzzles are resolved in Short
> Sun--can ONLY be resolved in the Short Sun--and the answers
> go right over those readers heads because they weren't
> looking for answers. So is that a defect in the books?

I agree, and I would go a step farther and say that LS and SS are really one novel. SS is basically a continuation of the epilogue in LS and doesn't stand at all on its own. And LS is brilliantly written (better than New Sun, really) but the plot is unsatisfying without the revelations of SS.



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