(urth) Urth movie

Robin Dunn bigbadgerjohnny at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 02:35:03 PDT 2009

Am always so impressed with the level of thinking on this site- a real
tribute to the depth of Wolfe's imaginary universe!

As an indie filmmaker, am daydreaming again today about how to make an
appropriate film version of the book of the new sun.

it would definitely have to be four 2 hour films, or perhaps 8 1-hour episodes.

Peter Jackson did 3 Tolkien books for $150 mil , but I bet I could do
8 hours of Wolfe for 25 mil.

Any takers? ;)

The tone is one of the most important things:   curious what some of
you would say is the dominant tone of Book of the New Sun


Melancholy mixed with wonder?

Something like that.

Abaia is definitely one of the more expensive scenes, as people have noticed. ;)

Part of me feels like you could do a 2 hour movie about the first 30
pages of Shadow . . .

You think Wolfe has turned many film offers down in his time? :)

best wishes,
Robin Dunn

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