(urth) Hut/Ultan's Library/Catherine

Stanislaus B. sbocian at poczta.fm
Sun Apr 5 09:13:38 PDT 2009


On 5.04.2009, b sharp wrote:

> I've always wondered about why Severian sees the face of the dark haired,
> pale gown wearing corpse from the Necropolis grave in Ultan's face. 
> Ultan really likes the idea of eating the dead and that's what 
> Vodalus and his followers did with that corpse. Something weird is going on
> there.  She must have been someone important for vodalus to go through so
> much trouble to get that particular corpse.

"Again I seemed to hear bronze, and quite suddenly I felt that he and I were dead,
and that the darkness surrounding us was grave soil pressing
in about our eyes, grave soil through which the bell called us
to worship at whatever shrines may exist below ground. The livid woman
I had seen dragged from her grave rose before me so vividly that
I seemed to see her face in the almost luminous whiteness of the figure who spoke. "

Why weird? Ultan is a Vodalarian, and has eaten part of the corpse.
He is hardly a great exception.

The woman was buried among the poor, and guarded by volunteers. It
seems she was chosen by Vodalus as a low-hanging fruit. He needed to
have some body to eat, in order to cement the faith of his
subordinates. This is a fairly common idea in gangs and cults - the
crime committed together serves to bind a new member to the

Best regards,
Stanislaus B.

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