(urth) Lexicon Urthus interview

Nigel Price nigelaprice at talktalk.net
Thu Sep 25 03:35:18 PDT 2008

The latest addition to Ultan's Library (www.ultan.org.uk) is an interview
with Michael Andre-Driussi about the new edition of the "Lexicon Urthus". In
the interview, Michael discusses how he first came to write the Lexicon and
how the new revised edition came about. He explains how Gene Wolfe came to
write the Foreword and how the late John Brunner briefly became involved in
the project. In passing, he also casts some interesting light on the
evolution of the "Suzanne Delage" debate.

I was fascinated to learn more about the Lexicon and hope that you too will
enjoy the interview.

As a footnote, I ought to mention that Michael was keen to make the context
of the interview clear and to show that he and I had actually met previously
to discuss Wolfe-related matters. He encouraged me to find a novel way of
revealing this to the reader and, if you read through to the bottom of the
web page, I think you'll find that I failed completely!


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