(urth) second dream team

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 18 12:58:59 PDT 2008

pedro, the exit of horn into babbie is more than riding.  He reposes under a huge tree, the vanished gods of the neighbors, and this allows his transference as he was earlier transferred into silk's body.  He says goodbye to everyone because he knows he is leaving.  read the last ten pages of on blue's water and see where suddenly he turns positive like silk.  then look at how babbie reacts when horn's son is in danger on one of the astral visits in rttw.  he tries to say huh huh huh and point at himself because he is horn, and he throws the guy down who is violent toward his son.

Also, the greenhouse of the island pit is important - the trees will hybridize with people, creating the neighbor Horn who makes a deal with Horn, after he is eaten by a tree - the pit is the belly of the tree and the manner in which it recombines with other life - read the first chapter on corn hybrids again.


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