(urth) Lexicon Urthus interview

Nigel Price nigelaprice at talktalk.net
Thu Sep 25 10:34:44 PDT 2008

Pedro Pereira asked:

>>Did I get it wrong or did Andre said in the interview
>>that he already wrote a book for the Long Sun series
>>with material from the chap books and that he has no
>>publishing date yet? I would love a Lexicon Long/Short...

Yes, Michael did say that he had the nucleus of a book about "The Book of
the Long Sun" and "The Book of the Short Sun" that he referred to as having
the working title "Gate of Horn, Book of Silk". As you say, the contents so
far assembled are based around the materials he wrote for the Long Sun

If anyone has any questions about the interview, there is a comment facility
on Ultan's Library that allows you to post your responses. If there are
queries, we might well be able to get Michael back to answer some of them.


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