(urth) Random thoughts on AEG

Nigel Price nigelaprice at talktalk.net
Wed Oct 29 14:28:40 PDT 2008

4	OK, on Wed Sep 24 20:55:32 PDT 2008, Matthew Keeley had already picked up
on the Batman thing and mentioned what I had noticed while reading but
forgotten while writing, namely that Cassie specifically refers to Batman,
albeit in the context of describing the alien bat-like creatures.

>>Also - those bat again... Cassie mentions Batman
>>when she describes them to Sharon, but says they
>>were more "manbats." There's actually a Batman
>>character named Man-Bat, a scientist who transforms
>>into a bat-creature after ingesting the wrong
>>chemicals... I'm going to assume Wolfe doesn't
>>know this and this isn't a hint, as Wolfe doesn't
>>seem the type to be up on Bat-trivia...
>>Man-Bat link: "On Leather Wings" from the Batman
>>Animated Series: http://video.aol.com/video/on-leather-wings/1727987
>>Speaking of Batman, I'm mildly surprised we never
>>had a discussion of The Dark Knight here. Fantastic
>>film I thought.

But this doesn't pick up on the Gideon as Batman question.

I'd better keep reading through the last two months' worth of AEG


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