(urth) Laundress and Star (AEG spoilers)

brunians at brunians.org brunians at brunians.org
Mon Oct 20 04:09:50 PDT 2008

John Watkins writes:

> Oh, well-caught.

> It was Israel, wasn't it?  Phoenician Aethiopia included the Levant.

Yes, that is true. And the other one could be Yemen, Nubia or Abbysinia.
All of these countries had really a lot to do with each other: straight
shot down the Red Sea from Kana'an to the Horn of Africa. Also, the Bni
Israel in the (pre-Babylonian captivity with post-attendant
Yahwist/crypto-Zoroastrian redaction of history and scripture) old days
were pretty much indistinguishable from Phoenicians, religiously and


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