(urth) Slightly Off-Topic: HPL

Matthew Keeley matthew.keeley.1 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 18:19:04 PDT 2008

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 7:42 PM, Ryan Bonneville
<ryan.bonneville at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I finished An Evil Guest and I'm looking to read some HPL for background.
> There's a lot of it and it seems like it's all sort of tenuously connected.
> Any suggestions for a reading list or order?
> Best,
> Ryan

(Implicit Spoilers for An Evil Guest)

The most obviously relevant stories are probably "The Call of
Cthulhu", "The Whisperer in Darkness", and "Nyarlathotep". You might
want to look at some of the Randolph Carter stories - "The Statement
of Randolph Carter" and "The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadadath". (I
haven't read "Dream Quest" myself, but people tell me it's somewhat
important to the Lovecraft canon.. and it features Randolph Carter,
who may or may not be referenced in AEG)

If you want to go a bit further, I'm a great fan of "The Rats in the
Walls", "The Outsider", and "The Nameless City" (the last of which
scared me half to death when I was nine or ten).



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