(urth) Random thoughts on AEG

Nigel Price nigelaprice at talktalk.net
Thu Oct 30 02:45:34 PDT 2008

Matthew Keeley wrote:

>>Is the pulp being referenced exclusively American?
>>King Kanoa's English actually wouldn't be too
>>out-of-place in some English novels. Consider
>>Lord Peter Wimsey's parody / epitome of that sort
>>of chatty Brit in Dorothy Sayers' novels. Or the
>>two cricket fans in Hitchcock's film The Lady
>>Vanishes (who reappear in some non-Hitchcock films).

The two cricket fans in "The Lady Vanishes" are called Charters and

Your point about the exagerated speech patterns in British literature and
films of the period is well made, though my impression remains that Wolfe is
primarily referencing American models in AEG.

>>I remember one interview where Wolfe discussed
>>the importance of freedom in AEG and how Gid may
>>be "the most free of all."

Can you remember which interview this was?


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