(urth) "The Tree is My Hat" audio drama available online

Jonathan Barnard jonpbarnard at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 07:07:12 PST 2008

(Loooooong time lurker, here, saying hello!)

Some of you may know that Wolfe's 1999 short "The Tree is My Hat" was
adapted as an audio drama for the World Horror Convention in 2002 by
Laurence Santoro, with a cast including Neil Gaiman. This performance has
now been made available on the 'StarShipSofa' podcast here:
The drama starts about an hour into the podcast, and is pretty good,
although the sound effects and music drown out the dialogue at a couple of
points. Laurence Santoro talks about the adaptation and production before
and afterwards, but apparently the post-drama discussion is cut short 11
minutes too early.

The story itself is creepily effective, with a good Wolfean unreliable
narrator, and there's enough ambiguity to sustain plenty of discussion. And
as others have noted, it has a lot of common ground with the later sections
of _AEG_.

I've been listening to the StarShipSofa podcast for a long time now and
would heartily recommend it, particularly its weekly 'Aural Delights' show,
which typically includes sf poetry, flash fiction, a short story and perhaps
some non-fiction articles.


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