(urth) AEG: More Theology

Andy Robertson andywrobertson at clara.co.uk
Sat Nov 1 10:26:19 PDT 2008

Dave Tallman writes: 

> *Andy Robertson wrote:
>> Hmmm, any reference to Lafferty's "Golden Trabant?"
> I haven't read that and it looks like it will be hard to find around here. 
> The only online summary I found was here:
> http://www.mulle-kybernetik.com/RAL/MT/shortstories.html:
>> Being the only one to know the location of an asteroid makes you 
>> certainly interesting. If that asteroid consists of pure gold you're sure 
>> to make many new friends. Until you lead them there.
> Offhand, that doesn't sound like a close connection. Could you elaborate 
> on the connections you see?

Trabant was exploited until the riches from it unsettled the evil cabals who 
control the world, at which point it was poisoned by radiation. 

One man kept on going back - quoting from memory, 

" . . .  but when Flyn passed the gold to him, he did it with a hand that 
was all splintered bone, with only a little blackened flesh around the heel. 

"Harry Brobst raised his eyebrows, but he didn't raise them too far.  An old 
gold dealer meets all sorts." 




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