(urth) giants and magic gems and dudes wearing all black

Kerry Benton k.benton at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 12:53:21 PST 2008

To this day "wierding modules" is a code word I use amongst friends  
when absurd and pointless changes are made in film adaptations.

While on the topic (vaguely), oh how I wish there wasn't a remake of  
Day the Earth Stood Still happening.



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On Nov 28, 2008, at 12:06 PM, "Son of Witz" <sonofwitz at butcherbaker.org>
>> The Lynch work was a mess, though not that glorious.  I liked the
>> achieved atmosphere of baroque decadence, but felt that the core of
>> the original work was lost completely, not just that they simplified
>> into childish literalism the messiahnic role of the lead, but that  
>> the
>> missed that the core of the thematic threads was the mental and
>> physical improvement of man, by changing the Atreides avantage to a
>> scifi-ish kind of weaponry instead of a superior system of mental and
>> physicial conditioning.
> that's exactly how I feel about it.
> especially changing the mental/physical conditioning to a sound  
> weapon.
> lamo.

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