(urth) Change of Topic: Latro

Matthew Keeley matthew.keeley.1 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 20:10:05 PST 2008

On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Matthew Keeley
<matthew.keeley.1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> You forgot Japan and China.
> I wouldn't mind Latro in Ireland - Wolfe seems to have a penchant for
> Irish myth, but I don't know how much he's explored it outside of
> short stories and Peace. I wouldn't mind reading Latro meets Cu
> Chulainn and the leprechauns...
> -Matt

I need to proofread these messages more - two uses of the "I wouldn't
mind" construction in two sentences. I apologize for the offense to
good English.

Anyone know if Wolfe has spent time in Ireland? Or just read a lot of Yeats?


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