(urth) The Severian Behind Curtain #3

Dave Lebling dlebling at hyraxes.com
Sun Jun 15 15:21:12 PDT 2008

Severian is not actually /the/ Conciliator. The Conciliator, as should 
be obvious to anyone who knows Wolfe's religious background, is Christ. 
In the timeline of the first Severian, the Conciliator was a dim memory 
of Christ and his religion a dim memory of Christianity. His mother 
could still run away from an order of nuns, because nuns existed before 
Sev's turn as a "Conciliator-like" figure.

Severian, as a "Christ-like" figure, renewed these dim memories and 
caused that aspect of society and his own personality to be slightly 

It was all part of the hierodules' plan.

-- Dave Lebling, aka vizcacha

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