(urth) cerebral incident

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 9 10:36:25 PDT 2008

Roy stated that it was clear silk`s enligtenment was not just a cerebral incident but a work of the increate .  I think it was both - the text is fairly clear that silk was one of the stored embryos, and a special one at that.   The male andfemale voices that he hears are that of typhon and mameltas , a prerecorded message from his parents who will be transmogrified into pas and kypris.  the blue eyes, the status as typhon's lover, and the statement that silk would sleep in the tunnels until his mother came all lead me to the conclusion that his enlightenment is both a cerebral incident set about before his birth from his father pas and the work of the increate.


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