(urth) bsharp's Inire theory

Dave Tallman davetallman at msn.com
Tue Jul 8 15:10:15 PDT 2008

b sharp wrote:

(Dave Tallman do you really see The Cumaean as a kindly old woman in contrast
> to Mme. Prisca?)
The Cumaean seems quite compassionate -- she nursed Jolenta, a stranger she
had no reason to help. I don't know if the face patterns on her snake-skin
represent stolen souls -- all of them are rapt in contemplation, so they may
just be aspects of her mystical nature.

Prisca is known to be very cruel, not just for the trick she played on Sev
but also the fact that Ymar kicked women out of the guild for going beyond
the punishments mandated by law. That must have been based on what Ymar saw
Prisca doing, as well as any other women who followed her lead.

But the main reason I don't like the Cumaean/Prisca theory is that the
Cumean is highly mystically aware. She seems to be able to read minds and
foretell the future. As Myrrn says in Sev's dream, dreams allow visions
outside of time, and the Cumaean never wakes.  Allowing Sev an opening for
an attack at close range was really dumb -- showing a lack of awareness of
his capabilities. Please don't say that this was a faked death scene, staged
so that the Conciliator could have another miracle. We have too many
theories where it's all a show for Sev, to the point where his life is
almost like solipsism.

Barbatus and Famulimus clearly eschew the  debauchery of these two, remaining
> above it. I think if Inire and the Cumaean are of the race of angels they have clearly
> fallen (the play does happen to have two demons). Maybe broke they broke the other
> Edenic taboo and ate from the Tree of Life? While perhaps these two are not "evil"
> (Ava warns us against the dichotomy) I think maybe they corrupted the human race
> necessitating a cleansing. Surely neither Inire or the Cumaean survives on Ushas
There's definitely a competition for resources among the Hierodules, if
Inire is telling the truth about how difficult it was to get the ship. Inire
seems more invested in the success of the Commonweath, where A,B, and O stay
above it (just as they stay out of the fight between Baldanders and the lake
men). Perhaps Inire is letting Sev know that just because he has connections
to powerful aliens does not mean they will lend him much aid in fighting his
wars. They have a bigger picture in mind.
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