(urth) bsharp's Inire theory

b sharp bsharporflat at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 8 11:26:12 PDT 2008

Jeff Wilson asks:
>Can you point out the shape-changing incidents for Inire and the Cumaean?

Depends. What is the purpose of your question?  If you are asking for obvious,
clear text descriptions I suppose it is obvious there isn't much of that. Was that
the point you wanted to make?

I'd say the closest we get is the old woman Cumaean revealed to be in an endless 
snake form on the roof in the Stone Town (Uroburos? Hildegren says she is on the
 other side of the world from Nessus, perhaps she wraps all the way around the world?)

Roy offered a Severian quote a few posts back that implies a similar human/
non-human shape shifting ability for Father Inire. Aside from the various human
characters I suspect Inire is playing, I suspect he is also the baboon who 
checks on Severian in the hospital after the avern fight and the uakari who 
looks like a little old man watching Severian after his House Absolute visit.
(well, all uakaris do look that way, plus they have Fechin-like red hair: 
http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=uakari&gbv=2 )

The Cumaean might be some of the snakes peeking at Severian on his trip here
and there but from the secret knowledge (raising the dead?) he hopes to glean in 
the Ziggurat working with Severian's blood, I wonder if the Old Leech is another 
version of her.  I tend to think the roof seance in the Stone Town was more about
experimenting with Severian than Apu Punchau. If she is the provider of alzabo fluid 
to Vodalus and if she is also Ceryx then she has mastered a number of ways to raise
 the dead, none of them very nice, like Severian's power, which she might deeply covet.


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