(urth) Sev's common lineage

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Tue Jul 1 01:36:02 PDT 2008

Dave Tallman wrote:
> Jeff Wilson wrote:
>     Severian's remarks in the ms indicate he has no worries that anyone else 
>     will ever see the book he is writing. I suppose that could be a ruse to 
>     fool spies, but then the entire Book is suspect as a tissue of lies and 
>     we might as well give up now.
> I think that reference was to the copy he sealed in a lead casket and 
> lauched into space/time. There was another copy, the one he sent to 
> Master Ultan's library. Well-connected people like Thecla could request 
> books from there, so it could certainly be read.

It is interesting in that the one "no one would read" is apparently 
supposed to be the one that eventually made its way back to "G.W."

Say, maybe that "explains" some of the discrepancies in the Book vs 
URTH. The casket-copy was dashed off in a hurry on shipboard, rather 
than at leisure in the clerestory, so it would likely have uncaught 
errors from a lack of time to review and inaccuracies from going by 
Sev's memory of the scribing of the original draft instead of by the 
memory of the original events, with both internal and external 
distractions, etc.  URTH, meanwhile, is again writ at leisure in a 
considerably simplified environment.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
< http://www.io.com/~jwilson >

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